Kingsley Woodvale Cricket Club

Welcome to Kingsley Woodvale Cricket Club

The end of March 1990 had seen the Kingsley Cricket Club and Woodvale Cricket Club finish their respective season's with varying degrees of success. Kingsley with three teams including A Grade, had seen their season finish with no teams competing in finals. Woodvale with four teams with a highest graded team in B Grade. As had been common place for the previous few seasons Woodvale had a number of teams competing in finals with B & C Grade unfortunately losing grand finalists.

Both club's had strengths and weaknesses which seemed to draw them to each other. Kingsley had an established presence in A Grade and had consolidated it's position in that grade for a number of seasons. The Kingsley oval also offered a significant base for future growth, with a junior football club sharing a facility and keen to develop. Unfortunately they had a reluctant membership, with difficulty in getting members to fill committee positions.

Woodvale was based at the Woodvale Senior High School and was keen to establish it's home ground elsewhere. It had an extremely pro active committee, was successful on field and very keen to develop as a club.

The Kingsley Cricket Club AGM was held in April 1990 with Gerry Vanderweg voted in as President and Simon Moulton his deputy. Gerry envisaged Kingsley struggling unless they did something out of the box. He contacted Lee Timbrell, President of the Woodvale Cricket Club to establish initial discussions. An initial meeting was held at the Kingsley Tavern attended by Gerry and Simon from Kingsley, Lee Timbrell attended as the main representatives of Woodvale. The initial meeting highlighted common ground for both clubs.

The respective clubs held special general meetings to discuss the possibility of amalgamation with the response very favourable. A combined Annual General Meeting was held on July 17, 1990 at the Kingsley Tavern, and the Kingsley Woodvale Cricket Club was born.

The Club has gone from strength to strength over the years but not without some major hiccups including the mysterious fire which destroyed most of the clubs possessions including all playing and training gear. The Bali bombing also had a huge impact on the club as we share facilities with Kingsley Football Club tragically lost seven of their members in the bombing, one being the younger brother of one of our club members.

From every cloud there is a silver lining though and with the tremendous support of the Western Australian community and the City of Joondalup, the new Kingsley Memorial Sports Hall was built to commemorate the lost lives and is shared by the Junior and Senior cricket and Football Clubs.

We aim to provide the opportunity for players of any level to enjoy the game of cricket. We can back this up with players of all ability levels from 15 to 54 and from ex Western Australian players to those with disabilities having played over the years.

We pride ourselves as a community based club and enjoy tremendous support from the local community and businesses.

We're a family club with both men's and women's teams, and we welcome anybody to come down and have a go, have a look or enjoy some of our hospitality.

Thinking of playing this season?

Come and join us, we're always looking for new members.

Register here.

Or if you have more questions, contact us here.

22/23 Jones - Bridges Medalist

Congratulations to Lucas Thorp

King of Kings for 2022/23

Nice one champ ;)

Kings Freebies

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